Artist Reference Material


"Santa Barbara Excursion" by Patricia Bason

Painting People in Watercolor: A Design Approach by Alex Powers. Watson-Guptill Publications, 1997.
* An exceptional teaching effort. Touches on transitions (3D to flat), values, and color usage. How to make a portrait come alive.

Painting Watercolor Portraits That Glow by Jan Kunz. North Light Books, 1998.
* Brings out the drama in everyday interactions.

Basic People Painting: Techniques in Watercolor by Rachel Wolf. North Light Books, 1996.
* Lot's of useful suggestions, from multiple person compositions to painting facial hair.

An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists, 3rd by Fritz Schider. Dover Publicatios, 1981.
* Sometimes you need to go back to the source — the body. Includes drawings by Michelangelo, Rubens, and Da Vinci.

Painting Watercolor Portraits by Al Stine. North Light Books, 1997.
* Good posing and composition sections.

People in Watercolor by Betty Lou Schlemm. Rockport Publishers, 1996.
* The many styles of painting people in watercolor.